Monday, January 3, 2011

He Directs Your Steps

Verse of the Day: “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.”
-Proverbs 16:9

Proverbs 16:9 has been one of my favorite Scriptures for a while. It reminds me that even though I make plans for my life, ultimately God is the one who directs my steps. It gives me confidence that He is weaving His perfect plan through the events and circumstances of my life.

Often God’s direction for our lives is not as clear as we’d like it to be. There have been times of incredible clarity in my life, when God led me in specific ways. I launched out into the deep, following God on an incredible adventure. At other times, I have felt like I’m groping in the dark trying to find my way and it just doesn’t seem like God is speaking to me.

I lean back on this promise from Proverbs 16:9. God is directing my steps even when I am not aware of it. Though I cannot see it, His invisible hand is guiding me. He is leading me into His perfect plan and will.

As Christians, we have the internal compass of the Holy Spirit guiding us through this life. The world is full of struggles, setbacks, disappointments, and hardships. The Holy Spirit helps us find our way through the pitfalls of life. He helps us navigate the difficulties of life and come out victorious.

God’s plan for us is much greater than mere survival. When we set our hearts to seek Him, He gives our life meaning and purpose that we would never experience without Him.

God has a specific plan and purpose for each one of us. He has a specific place for us, a place where our talents and abilities bear fruit for His glory. A place of service where our lives become a blessing to others.

It is not God’s plan for His children to feel like they are wandering about in the darkness without direction for their lives. I pray that this year will be a year of greater clarity for you. I pray you will hear God’s clear voice and sense Him directing your steps.


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