Saturday, January 15, 2011

10 Reasons You Should Not Fear

Reason #3 -God Will Take Care of You

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering,
for He who promised is faithful.”
Hebrews 10:23

You can tell someone you care about them all day long.  Certainly those words have value and meaning.  But, if you say you care and never show it, words start to mean little.  Likewise, with God, He doesn’t just say in His word that He cares about us.  He shows it to us in real ways.  He gets involved in our lives in meaningful, personal ways.

Sometimes the way God shows He cares can seem strange.  Often He stretches our faith beyond what we think we can endure.  He doesn’t show up based on our timetable, but according to His perfect plan.

Think about the Israelites.  For about 400 years they struggled under the heavy yoke of slavery in Egypt.  Yet, in a particularly moving portion of Scripture, God appears to Moses from the burning bush.  He sends Moses as a voice of deliverance and releases His chosen people from their bondage, “with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.” (Exodus 6:6)  He was faithful to His promises.

There is a secret to our difficult times.  I believe it is a steadfast belief in the faithfulness of God.  I’d like to say I’m a stellar example of a person who completely trusts in God, regardless of what is going on around me.  Often I am not.  But, I can say this:  When I praise and thank God for His faithfulness, even in the midst of situations where He does not feel faithful, I feel much better.  I’m able to face the trials with a much better disposition.  My inner man is encouraged, built up by God’s Holy Spirit.

In Luke 12:22 & 30 Jesus said, “…do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on…your Father knows that you need these things.”  God knows each and every one of our needs and desires.  He is faithful to meet all our needs, and He gives good gifts to those who ask, in His perfect time (see Matthew 7:11).

Last year, 2010, was a difficult year in many ways.  I have many desires for this life and my walk with God that remain unfulfilled.  It’s easy to become so focused on my lack of fulfillment that I forget how much God has blessed me.  I have a good, steady job, with the same company for the last ten years.  I haven’t missed a meal.  I have a wonderful, caring church family.  I have good friends.  My sister Jenny got married last year.  The Packers are in the playoffs!  And, God blessed me with a real nice car.

I no longer drive a 1997 Saturn SL2.  It was definitely showing its age and had over 190,000 miles on it.  My good pastor sold me his luxury automobile, a 2002 Acura TL.  Even though it has high miles, it’s in great condition.  He sold it to me for a good price.  It was a nice gift from God and I’ve enjoyed riding around in luxury for almost a year now.  It was a gift God didn’t have to give me, but He chose to bless me.  Thank God for reminders of His care and His faithfulness.    

All Scriptures are NKJV

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